A couple of quick points to help the playoffs go as smoothly as possible:
Unlike the regular season games when missing a game is no big deal, during the playoffs it is important that all the players make it to the games and be on time. Late players will not be counted. We have a minimum number of players that any given team can play based on what league they are in. If a team does not have enough players to meet the minimum that team automatically forfeits. We will still play the game for fun but the other team will advance to the next round no matter what the outcome of the game is. So please try to be at the games with the rest of your team on time.
G3 – 6 v 6, less than 4 players is a forfeit.
G45 – 8v8, less than 6 players is a forfeit.
G69 – 11 v 11, less than 9 players is a forfeit.
B34 – 8 v 8, less than 6 players is a forfeit.
B56 – 8 v 8, less than 6 players is a forfeit.
B79 – 11 v 11, less than 9 players is a forfeit.
Just like during our regular season games, teams will be on one side of the field and spectators on the other side of the field during the games. We ask that you sit between the 18 yard lines on the opposite side of the field from the teams. (see below) Please do not sit at the goal lines or behind the goals. The referees or team coaches will ask you to move if you do. This is to allow the players to focus on the game with the least amount of distraction possible. In the event of a shootout please stay where you are seated. Do not move down to the goal line to get a better view. Again, this is to allow the players to focus on what they are doing.
As always you are encouraged to cheer for your team while keeping in mind the parent’s code of conduct. We ask that you do not shout instructions to the players during the game. Please let the coaches do the coaching so the players can focus on the game.
Please review the playoff specific rules for your reference. They also explain what a shootout is for and how it works.
We hope you and your children have had a great season and we look forward to seeing all of you during the playoffs.