Spring Pre-K 2023 Hillsdale Clinic Registration
Registration is open for our 2023 Spring Clinic (April 15, 2023 - June 3, 2023) for kids of all skill levels in Pre-K. Registration closes on March 31, 2023.
The registration fee is $65.00. Participants must be a resident of Hillsdale, NJ. Players need to be 3 years old by March 31, 2023 and CAN NOT be enrolled in Kindergarten (there will be a Fall session for Kindergarten).
Sessions will run on seven consecutive Saturdays from 11:00AM-12:00PM at Stonybrook Field starting April 15, 2022 and ending June 3, 2022. There will NOT be a session Memorial Day weekend, May 27, 2022.
We will follow COVID-19 best practices for sports activities as directed by the state, health officials, and the HSA leadership.
Register here to register through Sports Engine if you have a login for “Sports Signup Play” (formerly called “SiPlay”), login using your existing credentials. If you are new to the program, click on the “Sign In” button, then “Create an Account” under the login button to create a new account and register.